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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Obama to Ban Internships for College Students?

The Obama Administration, in its unending quest to take over ever aspect of American life, is apparently planning to prevent companies from hiring unpaid interns to work and gain real-life experience.

The Obama administration's top law enforcement officer at the Labor Department, M. Patricia Smith, is targeting companies that give young people unpaid internships. She claims that internships are rife with abusive practices and that serious violations of labor law are widespread. Arguing that interns should get paid at least minimum wage, Ms. Smith and the White House risk destroying a valuable steppingstone that gives many young Americans training they need to get jobs they want in the future.
The Obama Administration continues to show that it does not have the faintest clue what real-life is all about, now wants to cut off one of the tools that young people have to get jobs and succeed.

But, as with all things Obama, it is all about "fairness":

The O Force worries that unpaid internships might disadvantage less-affluent students, who might not be able to afford to spend their summers at unpaid jobs. But the administration's solution risks eliminating many internships at for-profit companies so that no one gets them.
Because some people cannot afford to work for free, or don't want to make the time to work for free, no one can. That is fair, in Obama's worldview.

The Obama administration, which is full of rhetoric about improving education, actually views education extremely narrowly. In the real world, people gain a lot of practical knowledge on the job. Eliminating training opportunities will only mean worse careers and lower future earnings for those President Obama's team is claiming to protect.
Who ever accused Obama of operating in the real world?

Of course, if you want to work for Obama, you can feel free to work for free.

This summer, Organizing for America is looking for students, recent graduates, and anyone else who believes in the power of community organizing, to help lead our grassroots movement...This position is unpaid.
As someone who graduate from a college that emphasizes the value of internships, I cannot disagree more with the notion that students are somehow abused by working an internship. The Black Collegian Online seems to agree.

More and more students are finding out that applied learning such as internships and cooperative education programs (co-ops) give the necessary practical experience, and provides a contact base that is invaluable in the job search process. For employers, these programs allow them to get a jump-start on training a talented young workforce.

So, hiring documented unpaid workers is bad; but hiring paid undocumented workers is fine?

Why do I have the sense that Obama doesn't like unpaid interns because he cannot tax them?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mass. Universal Health Care Hits Another Snag; Coming to a State Near You Soon!

The universal health care system in Massachusetts hit a sinkhole in the road today.

The Massachusetts Health Connector has pulled health insurance companies from the web site where residents can buy state-subsidized insurance, because the companies won't play nice and accept the outright rejection by the state of their new policy rates.

The state has prohibited the Health Connector Authority from listing most plans because the Division of Insurance has rejected their proposed rate increases.

The authority, which is supposed to help small business owners and individuals find insurance, reported today that it has only one option available.

“With one exception, insurers must pull their Commonwealth Choice plans until they reset the rates,” the authority announced on its Web site today.

The state insurance commission rejected 235 of 274 proposed rate increases last week, a move that the insurance companies are fighting. But, until then, if you need to use the connector, you are out of luck.
Until new rates are released, the authority said it can only offer CeltiCare, which provides coverage in Greater Boston, and is not part of a lawsuit against the state.
Just wait until the ObamaCare price controls hit insurance companies nationwide. Since the Obama plan is modeled after the Massachusetts plan, the failings, problems, and price increases we are seeing here are coming your way soon.

If you think government-run health care will lead to more choice, come to Boston in the Springtime and choose from our one plan.

Ain't government-run insurance great!

Greenspan: Government Pushing the Community Reinvest Act Caused Failure

As much as I hate to say I -- and countless others -- told you so, we told you so.
(Greenspan) pointed out that the Fed had warned about subprime lending and low-down-payment mortgages in 1999, and again in 2001. And he argued that if the Fed had tried to damp the housing market amid a “fairly broad consensus” about encouraging homeownership, “the Congress would have clamped down on us.”
Back in September 2008, in my epic three-part analysis of the financial meltdown, I wrote:
In 1977, Congress passed the Community Reinvestment Act. One of the basic principles of the CRA is that "regulated financial institutions are required by law to demonstrate that their deposit facilities serve the convenience and needs of the communities." (Sec. 802.a.1)

(Lenders' mortgage) evaluation process "should accommodate an institution's individual circumstances."

To support these initiatives, the government assured lenders that, though it's Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae vehicles, these loans would be bought, principle and interest, if the loans were not repaid (paragraph 8).
It was from the urging of the federal government to push mortgages onto people who could not pay them back came the sub-prime mortgage. When a mortgage requires 20% down, it became difficult or impossible for people come up with the down payment when prices exploded -- and points and fees are often tied to the size of the mortgage. Even at the low interest rates of the day, low-income buyers could not afford the payments, down payments, and fees.

Thus was born the 0 down, 0 points programs, with below-market interest rates that adjusted. Making the problem worse were the banks, who -- in a highly de-regulated environment -- "gambled" with these mortgages, knowing that the federal government would back them.
In addition to the subprime markets, financial institutions were drastically deregulated in many other areas. Most importantly, perhaps, was in the area of leverage ratios. Typically, banks are allowed to loan out $12 for every $1 in deposit. Lenders, investment banks, Fannie and Freddie, and subprime lenders started leveraging upwards of $30 to $40 per $1 in captial.
The financial meltdown of September 2008 was a problem of government. Too much government in some areas; too little government in others.
Several witnesses... (a)ll acknowledged a sharp deterioration in lending standards that kept the housing market aloft and Wall Street’s loan-packaging machines humming.
Government invented the problem that people who could not afford houses should have them; they created the solution (the CRA) for the problem they invented; and they promised to back-up any lender who would help them implement this solution, without question. Human nature took advantage of the rules the government put in place in order to make more money.

Or, as Ronald Reagan said:
"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Obama Admin: Taxes likely to rise eventually to tame deficit

According to a top Obama economic adviser that higher energy taxes and a national sales tax (the Value Added Tax) may be on the way.

Paul Volcker, chairman of Obama's new Economic Recovery Advisory Board, told the crowd at a New York Historical Society event that:
a value-added tax "was not as toxic an idea" as it has been in the past and also said a carbon or other energy-related tax may become necessary."
Just what this country needs right now, a 25% sales tax (on top of any state and local sales taxes) and skyrocketing energy prices.

It might not be "a toxic idea," Mr. Volcker, but it will be toxic to the economy.
VAT is a huge source of revenue for European governments and also a huge cost because of the level of administration required.

Obama's New Nuclear Weapon Policy -- Arms are For Hugging!

President Obama on Monday "revamped" America's nuclear bomb strategy to substantially narrow the conditions under which the United States would use nuclear weapons.
For the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack.
Now, if Iran were to launch a biological or chemical weapon attack on the US, killing millions, Obama would almost have to consult the United Nations to see if Iran were in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NNT).
Iran remains a signatory (of the NNT), but the United Nations Security Council has repeatedly found it in violation of its obligations, because it has hidden nuclear plants and refused to answer questions about evidence it was working on a warhead.
Even casting aside the obvious operational difficulties of casting such as conditioned role for using nuclear arms, the long-standing threat of our using them is greatly diminished, too.

President Reagan was anti-nukes, and worked to reduce their numbers; but, Reagan believed in peace through strength, that a solid nuclear presence and the believable threat to use them would keep enemies at bay.

Obama seems to be taking the opposite tack, peace through weakness. In his first year he promised to close all bases where terror suspects are kept, revealed interrogation techniques, told terrorists around the world we would not use "enhanced interrogation" techniques and anybody in the military or CIA who does will be prosecuted, giving civilian trials to terrorists, shows no interest in interrogating high-profile terror suspects, and now tells the enemies of the US that they have nothing to fear of our nuclear arsenal.

Does anyone feel safer now?
“I’m going to preserve all the tools that are necessary in order to make sure that the American people are safe and secure,” he said in the interview in the Oval Office.
Except, of course, nuclear missiles.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Liberal Attack on Free Speech Rights Does Not Go to the Doctor

Florida doctor, Dr. Jack Cassell, a urologist, is learning first hand about the embrace of diversity that represents the Liberals in the country these days.

It seems that the good Dr. Cassell is not a fan of ObamaCare -- a direct offense in and of itself. But, Dr. Cassell went to far posting a sign that broadcast his dislike of the plan that may put him out of business:
If you voted for Obama, seek urologic care elsewhere.
It seems that Cassell violated the first rule of life under Obama, do not deign to question the Dear Leader. Cassell told the Orlando Sentinel that he's not turning anyone away. He is simply making a point.

"(Turning people away) would be unethical," he said. "But if they read the sign and turn the other way, so be it."

But, instead of embracing freedom of speech and diversity of opinion, Liberal US Representative Alan "The Republican want people to die quickly" Greyson wants to pull Dr. Cassell's medical license.
"I'm protecting the people in my district who deserve medical care, even if they happen to have voted for Obama," Grayson said.
Why? He's racist, of course.
"What he is doing is no different from saying I will not treat a black person," amazingly stated Grayson.
Apparently, posting signs with controversial sentiments is reserved for our elected officials alone.

Fortunately, one woman in Florida seems to understand the benefits of the free market system better than her elected officials.
"If I was one of his patients, I would not walk away, I'd run," said Patsy Robertson, 73, of Winter Springs, a Democrat and retired nurse. "He does not need to be taking care of people's lives if that's his mentality."
Ms. Robertson, you have it right. Dr. Cassell has every right to declare his political opinion, and the free market has every right to tell him to shut up.

Well, that will teach Cassell to exercise his constitutionally-protected freedom of speech.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Obama Intentionally Devastate the Gloucester, MA Fishing Industry

President Obama, following his promises to create jobs, just dealt a devastating blow to the Gloucester, MA fishing industry, in a move that will eliminate half to three-quarters of the groundfishing fleet.
The Obama administration yesterday announced it was forging ahead with an experimental, dual track management system for the New England groundfishery that is calculated to cull out a significant number of small boat businesses while pushing hard to meet statutory stock reconstruction deadlines.
This move, during a recession, will cost countless jobs at a time when the government should be doing everything in its power (such as getting out of the way) to create jobs. Potential chief of the NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service, Eric Schwaab, said he had no "timetable" or "absolute expectation" about how job loss via the new federal policies would unfold.

Even the most leftist of Lefties, Barney Frank, thinks these restrictions a questionable idea:
"The rigid and arbitrary 10-year rebuilding timeline was one of my major objections to the Magnuson-Stevens Act," Frank added in the same prepared statement, "and I believe the time has come for it to be re-evaluated."
But, once again, Obama has shown no interest in creating jobs (Gloucester unemployment 2009 11.3%) and puts the needs of fish ahead of the needs of the American people by implementing an "experimental" program.

Perhaps, Obama has ulterior motives for selecting Massachusetts for this special treatment?

Friday, April 2, 2010

U.S. Representative "Doesn't Care About the Constitution"

Illinois Congressman Phil Hare (D-IL) publicly admitted what many of us already know. The Liberals hate the U.S. Constitution. The Internet is ripe with audio of Obama denigrating the founding document of our country, and as president told us that he doesn't care if Congress violates the Constitution when passing health care "reform." Now there is video evidence to support the disdain of Liberals for the foundation of the United States:

“I don’t worry about the Constitution on this, to be honest.”

When our elected officials do not respect the basic law of our country, the basic document that defines what America is, then it may just be all over.

At what point do you admit that the Liberals, led by Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, really don't care about America?

Hope and change, indeed.

Krugman: Death Panels are Real

"Esteemed" New York Times columnist Paul Krugman visited This Week on ABC and told us that the much-maligned "Death Panels" are really in ObamaCare:
The (Medicare advisory panel created by the act) which has the ability to make more or less binding judgments on saying this particular expensive treatment actually doesn't do any good medically and so we are not going to pay for it. That is actually going to save quite a lot of money. We don't know how much yet. The CBO gives it very little credit but, but most, most of the health care economists I talk to think that's going be a really, uh a really major cost savings.
The government -- not you or your doctor -- will decide if a treatment will work, likely based on pure budgetary reasons. And, before you shout out how you would prefer the government to make that call rather than some insurance company, realize that you can appeal decisions by insurance companies.

Under, ObamaCare, if you don't like the decision by the panel to give you the pill instead of the surgery, you are out of luck:
Unlike existing Medicare coverage laws, patients won’t have the ability to appeal any of the decisions of this new Medicare Commission.
But, friends, we have been telling you this all along.
...the health-care legislation in Congress will subject doctors to a mix of financial penalties and regulations to constrain their use of the most costly clinical options. The penalties and regulations are aimed first and foremost at surgeons and the medical devices that they use, largely because that's where the bulk of spending is.
Someone owes us all an apology.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Obama Can Fool Half the People....

According to a dubious poll by USA Today, 50% of those surveyed say (Obama) doesn't deserve re-election. While I certainly believe that large numbers of Americans would agree with that sentiment, I have to believe the figure is far higher than the 50% USA Today is citing?


Further down in the poll, the paper cite popularity number for Nancy Pelosi (36%) and Harry Reid (29%) that are far higher than other polls have shown.
Pelosi's favorable rating in the poll stands at 11 percent. Her unfavorable rating, meanwhile, is 37 percent -- meaning that more than one in three views the California Democrat negatively. Reid's favorable rating, meanwhile, is even lower: Eight percent.
If USA Today has Pelosi that far ahead of this poll, then the numbers for Obama, must be far worse also.

From the Man-Made Global-Warming is Neither Department

Remember the horror stories about the polar bears as the Arctic ice disappears. Like the bears would drown or something with no ice floes to float on. Sorry, kids: appears that for the first time since 2001, Arctic Sea ice will hit the “normal” line as defined by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) for
this time of year.
Good news for polar bears (whose population is at record high numbers); bad news for Al Gore (of whom, thankfully, we have only one). It is a shame that the Earth won't go along with the dire predictions of all those computer models we have been intimidated with over the years.

Man-made global-warming is neither.