Obama cannot run on his track record he cannot promise that the future will be brighter. Instead, he plans to run a childish campaign that pits Americans against other Americans and tells us that we are all victims.

In his speech today to college students at the University of North Carolina, the president lamented over and over again: It's not fair!
We’ve got to build an economy where everybody is getting a fair shot, everybody is doing their fair share, everybody is playing by the same set of rules.This sounds more like my 5 and 6-year-old arguing than a sitting president of the United States: Daddy, he got a bigger slice of pizza than me! It's not fair! No fair, Mommy! She got four cookies and I only have three! Not fair! How come I have to go to bed and she doesn't?
It's not fair, Obama cries, that he pays less in taxes than she does (even though she likely doesn't pay more); he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he wasn't; he earns more than the other guy; she has more sprinkles on her ice cream than he does.
Wait. that last one was my kids. It is so hard to tell these things apart.
Obama claims that he wants you to succeed, but if you do, he will insult you, double your taxes, try to control your salary, criticize your getting a bonus, and generally blame all of the country's problems on you.
He continues to echo my children by lying and exaggerating about the facts:
And instead, over the past few years, Republicans in Congress have voted against new ways to make college more affordable for middle-class families, even while they’re voting for huge tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires -- tax cuts that, by the way, would have to be paid for by cutting things like education and job-training programs that give students new opportunities to work and succeed.There has not been a single vote for "huge tax cuts" for anyone. The Congress continued the Bush tax cuts; but those tax cuts covered every tax payer -- and had Obama's support!
But, Daddy, look what she did! when confronted for doing something wrong. She said swear words, too! Um, no she didn't, son.
Even more juvenile is Obama's delusional double-speak. Today, he claims:
In America, we admire success. We aspire to it. I want everybody to be rich. I want everybody to work and hustle and start businesses and study your tails off to get there.Except, that if you happen to have the opportunity to work or start a business (note that 50% of college grads today can't get a job), and you happen to succeed, Obama will insult you, double or triple your taxes, try to control your salary, criticize your getting a bonus, tell you not to make a profit, and generally blame all of the country's problems on you.
Obama claims that he took moved all students loans to the White House so that he could save the folks some money:
Before I took office, we had a student loan system where tens of billions of taxpayer dollars were going to banks, not students. Some in Washington fought tooth and nail to protect the status quo, where billions of dollars were going to banks instead of students. And they wanted to protect that. They wanted to keep those dollars flowing to the banks.Not even close to true. The Republicans, and other supporters of freedom and the private sector, were understandably concerned about the White House deciding who will get student loans and why.
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. In a statement, the leader laments that too many institutions are already riddled with government fingerprints, “We have the government running banks, insurance companies, car companies, health care and now the student loan business."

Instead, he plans to run a childish, demeaning, and contemptible campaign that pits Americans against other Americans, whines that the system is unfair, and works all-too-hard to convince us that we are all victims of someone else.
It is time to send Obama back home to Chicago and give someone else a chance.
I prefer Mitt Romney's vision of fairness in his speech on April 24:
This America is fundamentally fair. We will stop the unfairness of urban children being denied access to the good schools of their choice; we will stop the unfairness of politicians giving taxpayer money to their friends’ businesses; we will stop the unfairness of requiring union workers to contribute to politicians not of their choosing; we will stop the unfairness of government workers getting better pay and benefits than the taxpayers they serve; and we will stop the unfairness of one generation passing larger and larger debts on to the next.