(M)embers of the press yelled out several questions for the president, including one about the war in Iraq. The president's response ? "We're buying shrimp, guys," the president said, smiling. "Come on."While Obama didn't allow his shrimping excursion to interfere with receiving the adulation of the sparse crowd, he couldn't be bothered with a question about American troops in a war zone.
Perhaps if he did respond, the next question may have been about his taking so many vacations and golf outings while our kids are dying in the Middle East.
While no one can fault a president for taking a holiday or two, refusing to even look in the general direction of someone asking about an on-going war shows that maybe Obama is the real shrimp.
But hey, after all the finely prepared lobster he has indulged in, I guess even he needed a "change."
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