A panel of leading experts in health, education, and housing will combine their brain power to put a stop to a problem devastating the city. Bill Walczak, head of a "community health center," could barely contain his passion and rage at this crisis!
“Somebody has to take a stand, and if it isn’t the government and health care institutions leading the way to a healthier lifestyle, who’s going to do it?’’They cured AIDS?
The can stop cancer in its tracks?
They can prevent Autism?

Concerned about the girth of employees and visitors to government agencies, Boston officials are weighing — gingerly — whether to restrict or even prohibit the sale of calorie-laden refreshments on city-owned property.That's right kids; no more sody-pop at city hall.
While obesity is certainly a health issue, these geniuses want us to believe that banning soda from the vending machines, coffee shops and -- yes -- at the deli will do a damn thing to reverse the curse of obesity. So, the next time some solon orders a jumbo roast beef with cheese and extra mayo City Hall Deli, he won't be able to drink an unhealthy can of ginger ale.
And, get this, our firefighters -- heroes who risk their lives every time they leave the station to come to our aid -- wouldn't have been able to have a Pepsi when they returned from battling "one of the biggest fires in recent Boston history," were this policy in place in August. At least now, they would be safe from one of the biggest hazard of a jake's life: Mountain Dew.
“We see this as the beginning of the food revolution,’’ Walczak said.Yeah, city hall is exactly whom I turn to when I want to start a revolution.
To quote the ever-glib Mayor of Boston, we need to "tinue to make a procedure difference in people's lives."
Why do we trust these people to do anything?
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