This is an absolute disgrace, and shows again the depths that the Democrat party will sink to pass their radical agenda:
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) Tuesday plans to move ahead with a vote to attach a bill to grant US residency to young immigrants who complete college or join the military to the fiscal 2011 defense authorization bill Tuesday.

The "Dream" Act (the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act S. 729) would grant citizenship to illegals who were brought to the US as children and have a high school diploma (or GED) or have enrolled in the military.
The only reason the Liberals would consider such a move it that they know that the Dream Act will never pass on its own, and they know it:
"I know we can't do comprehensive immigration reform," Reid said at a news conference (last week).The Dems have also attached a Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal onto the same defense spending bill. While DADT is certainly tangential to defense spending, it represents a major policy shift that should be openly debated. Right or wrong, DADT is the policy of the military and any changes must be argued in an open forum, not slipped in through the side door when no one is looking.
It is despicable that the Liberals in this government think so little of the military that they would attach such controversial measures to a bill that supports our military at a time of war. Is it that they don't want their names attached to these measures or they don't want to argue their merits on their own?
More likely both.
They can tell supporters that they voted for amnesty and the DADT repeal; and tell others that they supported the military budget.
More gutless cowardice disguising itself as leadership from the Democrats.
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