The Daily Caller web site is reporting that Eric Holder's Justice Department may be covering up bribery charges against "two DOJ prosecutors (who) accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance executives, according to a "trustworthy" source.
The bribed officials, an attorney with knowledge of the investigation told TheDC, remain on the taxpayers’ payroll at the Justice Department without any accountability. The DOJ source said Holder does not want to admit public officials accepted bribes while under his leadership.Just add this to the list of real crimes that Holder is ignoring:
Guns being given to Mexican drug lords by the ATF.
Voter fraud in Indiana that allegedly helped elect his boss.
Black Panther members with weapons outside of polling places.
Many of these debacles stem from Holder’s failure to do due diligence: He failed to consult the intelligence community before giving the Christmas bomber a Miranda warning; he failed to read the memos in which career prosecutors explained why CIA prosecutions were a legal dead end; he failed to consult New York officials about trying Mohammed in their city; he failed to conduct even a cursory review before pushing Obama to announce the closure of Guantanamo; he failed to read the Arizona immigration law before publicly opposing it. One such failure is a mistake; this many is a pattern of gross incompetence.Apparently, he is too busy prosecuting CIA agents for following orders, hiding his own legal briefs from Congress, suing states over laws they pass, and planning civilian trials for Muslim terrorists.
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